شیر بشقابی
شیر بشقابی
ارائه انواع شیر بشقابی
" Size 1/4 "To 56 سایز
دنده Screwed NPT, ساکتSocket Weld, جوشی Butt Weld, فلنجیFlanged RF/RTJ انواع اتصال دو سر
. Standard, angle, oblique wye pattern. Integral seat انواع طراحی
Full range of body, bonnet, and trim materials.i
Anti-friction bearing yoke sleeve, 10" and larger.i
Plug, ball, or needle disc available.i
Extended stem buried valves.i
Cryogenic design.i
Special service / heavy duty valves.i
Non-standard valves designed according to customer specifications.i
Standards and specifications
ASME B16.5 Steel pipe flanges and flange fittings.i
ASME B16.10 Face-to-face and end-to-end dimensions of valves.i
ASME B16.25 Butt welding ends.i
ASME B16.34 Valves - Flanged, threaded, and welding end.i
API 6A Wellhead and Christmas tree equipment.i
API 6D Specification for pipeline valves.i
MSS-SP-6 Standard finish for contact faces of pipe flanges and connecting-end flanges of valves and fittings.i
MSS-SP-25 Standard marking system for valves, flanges, fittings, and unions.i
MSS-SP-55 Quality standard for steel castings for valves, flanges, and fittings and other piping components.i
MSS-SP-84 Steel valves - Socket welding and threaded ends.i
NACE MR0175 Sulfide stress cracking resistant metallic materials f