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To achieve the best goals, we raise technical knowledge and expertise and personnel contentment through execution of educational and motivational programs and the continuous improvement programs has been performed and the management of Sanat Sazan Namavar Co

About sanatsazanco

Sanat Sazan Namavar Co. does as follows in order to achieve its major goals
A- continues assurance of quality and improvement of all managerial, producing and supporting processes
B- continuous movement in direction of increasing customers satisfactions
C- increase of competitive power in the market
D- to deliver suitable customer’s service
The company adopts the following strategies and the management of the company always shall consider these strategies
to deliver product understanding costumer’s needs and expectations
movement to the zero fault level in delivery of product and to achieve the zero point in wastage
using suitable and desirable technology in product formation
improvement of working environment in direction of personnel contentment

To achieve the above goals, we raise technical knowledge and expertise and personnel contentment through execution of educational and motivational programs and the continuous improvement programs has been performed and the management of Sanat Sazan Namavar Co. is obliged to establish a quality system based on quality management standard ISO 90012008 and he expects from all colleagues to fulfill their activities exactly and sympathetically along the above standard obligations and demands.

Packing Machines

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