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4 star conveyor belt

4 star conveyor belt

4 Star brand conveyor belt is a product of China, which is currently exported to more than 29 countries in the world. High quality polymer materials are used in the production of 4-star conveyor belts, with a high percentage of PU or polyurethane. 4-star conveyor belts are produced in different widths from 40 cm to above and are sold in rolls. The 4-star conveyor belt has high tensile strength, elasticity and wear resistance and is produced with high toughness and has wear resistance and long life. The impact resistance of objects falling on this grade of conveyor belt is high. Arya Sanat Trading is the exclusive importer of industrial conveyor belts with 4-star brand for industries and mines.
WEBSITE: 4 star conveyor belt Iran

4 star conveyor belt
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