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palmo is a Manufacturing company with Quality Management standard degree and 9001:2008 standard for Promotion of technology and European CE .
Palmo Imports Double and Single-walled Chimnies from Netherlands to Iran.
Industrial Equipment- Air conditioning , Cooling and Heating

About palmo

Palmo Manufacturing Co. was established in 2008 by a group of professional and creative experts intending to achieve a powerful association for designing, producing and offering practical solutions pertaining to air conditional systems.

Palmo started its professional carrier by offering simple and practical solutions to assemble popular wall-hung packages such as Isatis and Arison and managed to figure out practical solutions to overcome the hardships.

Palmo considers general satisfaction as its most important priority and always utilizes its expertise and high quality products to withhold this value.

Palmo manufacturing Co. has derived CE Certificate of Europe and ISO 90012008 to increase the quality in order to fit the highest international standards to produce Air conditioning , Cooling and Heating accessories.

Air Conditioning Equipment
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