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MANN hydraulic filter

MANN hydraulic filter

MANN hydraulic oil filters are available in two main catagories including pressure filters and return filters. return filters have very high capacity of absorbing pollutants for higher life time and can have single or double head. sometimes as many as 5 MANN hydraulic oil filters are used simultaneously for better purifying the oil that circulated the hydraulic system. at the suction level suction side filters are used before the supply pumps and low pressure hydraulic filters are used prior to high pressure pumps. a high pressure MANN hydraulic oil filter is used after the high pressure pump and the consuming system. after installation of consuming system one or two return hydraulic oil filters are used. WD spin-on MANN hydraulic filters are produced to be used in pressures up to 24 bar and WH hydraulic MANN filters are used up to 40 bar pressure.
Brand : MANN
Made in : Germany
WEBSITE: MANN hydraulic filter Iran

MANN hydraulic filter

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