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Fleetguard water separator filter

Fleetguard water separator filter

Fleetguard water separator filter is an American made filter that is used specifically to purify gas oil used in diesel engines. Fleetguard that is a subsidiary brand of Cummins which is one of the leading manufacturers of diesel engines in the world. Fleetgaurd water separator filter consists of a double layer media which are made of cellulose and synthetic materials that help absorb and maintain solid contaminants such as fumes, sand and dust as well as liquid contaminants such as oil and water. using Fleetguard water separator filters help increase the combustion efficiency of the diesel engine, increase the generator torque and increase life time of engine parts. Fleetguard separator filters have part numbers starting with FS which stands for fuel water separator and are available in various capacities depending on the gas-oil flow rate and the engine liner capacity.
Made in : آمریکا
WEBSITE: Fleetguard water separator filter Iran

Fleetguard water separator filter
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