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Fleetguard fuel filter

Fleetguard fuel filter

Fleetguard gas-oil filter also known as fuel filter that is used on diesel engines such as Cummins and DEUTZ engines is one of the most important types of filters that helps increase the efficiency of engines and increase the life time of engine parts. Gas-oil is the dirtiest of all the fuels due to the tank dirt, treatment dirt and so on and using high quality fuel filter is of paramount importance. Fleetguard fuel filter that has been developed by American Cummins brand and is used as OE part on all Cummins diesel engines has a very high capacity to absorb and eliminate micro diameter contamination and is available in two types including standard type that has part numbers starting with FF and separator filters with the ability to eliminate fluid contamination as well as solid ones.
Made in : USA
WEBSITE: Fleetguard fuel filter Iran

Fleetguard fuel filter
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