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Cummins separator filter

Cummins separator filter

Gas oil that is being injected into Cummins diesel engine is full of contaminants and pollutants in shape of hard solid particles and also liquid shape such as water droplets. old generation of fuel filters that were used on Cummins diesel engine only had the ability to absorb solid particles and help engine parts have higher long time, however new generation of Cummins water separation filters also can absorb water droplets and help the engine experience a more efficient combustion and deliver higher torque. as default FLEETGUARD diesel engine water separator filters are used on Cummins engines that are one of the leading most sophisticated separator filters in the market, developed by Cummins industrial brand. most FLEETGUARD water separator filters on Cummins diesel engines are used as Spin-on.
Made in : USA
WEBSITE: Cummins separator filter Iran

Cummins separator filter
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