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Cummins fuel filter

Cummins fuel filter

Cummins diesel engine that consumes gas oil is used on majority of high duty industrial machines including wheel loaders, excavators, bulldozers, power generators and so on. Cummins diesel engine fuel filter is in fact the most important filter since gas oil is one of the dirtiest fossil fuels with many pollutants including solid hard sands, fumes and also liquid pollutants such as water droplets. injecting gas oil into the Cummins diesel engine without purifying it by fuel filter not only decreases the efficiency of diesel engine but also in long run clogs the valves by accumulating particles on the engine head and even worth can erode the liner kit. Cummins diesel engine usually uses FLEETGUARD fuel filter, being one of the subsidiaries of this industrial brand.
Made in : USA
WEBSITE: Cummins fuel filter Iran

Cummins fuel filter
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