Zepa Our Motto:
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our product Glass Steel Line , Touch control gas,Induction_Line, Introduction , ItalAsia_Acciaio , ItalAsia_Vetro , Liberty_Line , Soft Line , Square_Line , Standard_Line , Streamline , Vitroceramic_Line and ...

About Zepa

Between 1970 to today, Zepa has become the leading die supplier to the top international industries in the metal plate processing sector.

From cars to medical equipment, from heating equipment to agricultural machinery to household appliance, when production quality at its most ZEPA is the chosen working partner.
Zepa offers a different kind of cooperation in every sector not just a mere workshop, but an active partner, able to understand the overall needs of the customer and supply the best all-around answer. First of all, the Zepa partnership means building the optimal solutions together, thanks to an approach to the die focuses on a maximum efficiency.
Since 1980 Zepas great know-how of metal plate and stainless steel manufacturing made Zepa get into the competitive household appliance market, creating a very important range of cooking hobs that made the worldwide most important brands cooperate with Zepa.
Because even in the household appliances Zepas philosophy is "THINK BETTER TO MAKE YOU LIVE BETTER."

kitchen equipment
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